Transform your City’s Mobility
Trafi’s white-label journey planning app includes full multi-modal and fully integrated journey planning software platform capabilities including the ability to find, book, and pay for rides on the full range of public transport and new mobility (MSP) modes.
With 10 years of experience integrating with complex data feeds and 3rd party payment providers, validation, and ticketing platforms, managing Routing API, and Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), Trafi can help your city develop, launch, and operate full-scale white label multi-modal journey planning platforms to navigate your urban mobility experience with confidence.
Let's talk

Mobility Intelligence Platform
Static data management
Give MaaS Operators the tools they need to refine and enhance public transport data such as stop locations, schedules, shapes as well as fares.

White Label App
User verification
With Trafi’s solution, the user will only need to register his/her account once, validate the driver's license once, and add payment method once to use it for all journeys with all transport modes No need for re-registration with each individual mobility provider.

Intermodal routing with real-time accuracy
Trafi’s routing engine reflects specific user constraints and preferences, allowing for combinations of different transport modes. All recommendations are based on the schedules, real-time vehicle position and availability and pricing to help users make well-informed decisions. Notifications about planned and unplanned disruptions and delays are provided for planned itineraries, layered on top of routing to improve the quality of results on the go.
Reserve and unlock any vehicles with a single app without the need to register first on the vehicle provider site. Single-Click access to any of the integrated modes using the universal QR code scanner on the home screen.

Support & instructions from all providers
The promise to provide find, book, pay and ride capabilities in a single app brings with it the often forgotten obligation to also provide support and help screens for all the integrated modes. Trafi’s platform includes a tool which makes it easy to include consistent and easy to navigate help and guidance information, customised for each provider and mode, and also easy access to the appropriate provider’s customer support when it is needed.
Back-office: administration tool for MaaS Operators
The Back Office is designed to offer support and analytics tools to make sure you get maximum value from the deployment with minimum hussle. GDPR compliant by design, our Back Office gives Trafi’s MaaS operator clients the tools they need to operate a MaaS scheme day to day.
Key features include:
Responding to user-reported issues and gathering feedback to drive continuous improvements.
Detecting likely fraudulent transactions
Restricting access to specific vehicles (e.g. expensive shared cars)
Generating financial and usage reports
Running marketing and information campaigns
Managing promotion and discount campaigns
Monitoring the performance of the solution in real-time

Data Analysis
Data Analysis Tools
Disclaimer: Trafi’s clients remain the exclusive owners of data generated by a their MaaS platform. Trafi does not own and/or share any such data externally.

Product analytics and performance data provide invaluable insights for data-driven policy making:
Infrastructure Development: plan new transport infrastructure, optimize existing stations and routes, and expand the public transport network based on usage patterns.
Micromobility Management: allocates resources for cycling lanes, parking, and car-sharing hubs where demand is highest.
Behavioral Insights: an in-depth understanding of user behavior allows for effective intervention where these will be the most impactful.
Service Improvement: feedback from users helps to identify areas for improvement in city services, infrastructure, and public transportation.
Land Use Planning: more informed zoning and land use decisions will lead to more liveable urban environments.
Trafi MaaS suit helps our clients to effortlessly generate, gather, and leverage valuable data:
Users information and activity within the app
Users' travel habits, preferences, and movement around city
User Feedback
Transactional data about in-app purchases
Public Transport data: cities infrastructure (stations, stops, fleet size)
System information (schedules, departures, arrivals)
On-demand integrated providers (bikes, kick-scooters, car sharing, etc.) fleet distribution over the city and vehicle utilization
We offer the following tools to our clients for data collection:
Data API - allowing to integration client’s selected 3rd party tools, for example, CRM tools (suitable to expose any data in an async fashion).
Business Insights (BI) which includes:
-Data warehouse
-Data insights reporting
-Dashboard & Reporting tools integration

Trafi cares about its clients and provides the highest service & support quality:
Yearly downtime per client <1h
Never charged any penalties due to SLA breach
Trafi’s support team responsiveness – 9.6/10
Client satisfaction with Trafi’s team – 9/10
Promotions and special offers
Trafi’s product extension provide support for marketing campaigns, discounts, vouchers and tailored offers to specific user groups to nudge, reward and encourage the desired travel behavior.

Mobility Budgets

This extension to Trafi’s White label MaaS platform is designed so that local employers can offer tailored mobility budgets to their employees. The tool includes an administration console for use by the employer to generate and assign budgets, and control costs, and an extra payment option in the standard White Label app for signed-up employees.